Reflux Treatment

Expertise in Diagnosing & Treating GERD

Many people who suffer from frequent or chronic acid reflux are experiencing a condition called GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Some of the more common symptoms associated with this type of reflux include heartburn, difficulty swallowing, excessive salivation, regurgitation, bloating and intolerance of certain foods. This is a condition Fox Valley Surgical Specialists (FVSS) specializes in with expertise in both diagnosis and treatment.

Minimally Invasive GERD Treatments

  • TIF – a procedure that reconstructs the valve between the esophagus and stomach to protect against acid reflux (watch FVSS video with Dr. Janu)
  • LINX – another option for treatment that places a magnetic bracelet around the esophagus to create pressure and reduce acid reflux (watch FVSS video with Dr. Janu) 
  • Laparoscopic Fundoplication – a treatment for GERD and hiatal hernia that wraps part of the stomach around the esophageal sphincter to prevent reflux flow
For more information on these GERD treatment options, visit this page.
Read more about GERD in an article from FVSS: Help for Heartburn & GERD

Reflux Specialists

Reflux Resources

Suffering from issues with heartburn or reflux/GERD?
See how the TIF® procedure can provide relief!

Learn about TIF and watch one or both of Dr. Janu’s TIF Talks to hear more about the procedure from:

Find more info about GERD, what causes it and the symptoms associated with this common reflux condition here.